The URL below will download an Excel Spreadsheet (XLSX) listing VHL PROPERTY and SALES records for VHL. The data was obtained by searching the Charlotte County Property Appraiser website, then download raw CSV values into an XLS workbook, and then … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Florida
Sue Edberg and her sister Melissa Burgoon assembled these puzzles over several days in our Port Charlotte Florida vacation home. How may birds can you recognize? Recognize the famous square? … Continue reading
Eric & Susan Edberg and Fred & Lissa Burgoon visited the Octagon Wildlife Sanctuary in Florida. The sanctuary is a volunteer organization that takes in abused and troublesome animals. They have lots of tigers, lions, and other big-game cats that … Continue reading
Was riding my bike later on in the day today and a Florida Lynx that looked just like this one slowly trotted across the bike path 8 feet in front of me not bothered at all that I was about … Continue reading